Owner’s Information Sheet

    Owner’s Information Sheet

    Full Name:*

    Home Phone:



    Work Phone:


    Emergency Contact Name:*

    Emergency Contact's number:*

    Prefered time of walk/visit for each day (Please note that group walks are between 9 am and 3 pm Monday to Friday, although efforts are made to meet each customer’s preferred time this is not always possible. Please also note that collection may be before 9 am):

    Property Description

    Securely Fenced:* YesNo Pet Door:* YesNo Describe any problems with the fence (ie. gate not easily latched, dog digs under fence, etc): Location of cleaning supplies:

    Security System (if applicable): Company Name (if applicable): Code (if applicable): Phone Number of Security Company (if applicable): Password (if applicable):

    Arming Instructions (if applicable):

    Disarming Instructions (if applicable):

    Will you have any one else on your property around the walk/visit time (relatives, friends, house cleaner, etc)?: Who: When:

    Anything else I should know:

    Date Signed:*

    Owner's Signature:* [signature* owners-signature 400x200 id:bord]

    Email Address:*